Texts from Jane Eyre by Mallory Ortberg


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3/5 Emojis

What is it about?

This was such a quick and silly read. What if classical literary characters used text messaging as much as we do? This book is probably close to how those conversations would go.

Was it good?

Most of the messages seemed to me to come from immature teenage minds, and I probably didn’t understand most of the character references. Despite that, this book was still amusing to read and made me laugh out loud several times. It took me less than 2 hours to read because it IS just a bunch of text messages.

My favorite were the messages from Medea, with Circe coming in a close second place. I also really liked the ones from the Yellow Wallpaper story, but I have never read that book which sounded terribly creepy based on these messages.

Text Messaging

If it weren’t for text messages I would converse with no one but my children and husband. I use text messaging as a first resource in contacting my friends and thus the outside world.

How dependent are you on text messages?


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