Liebster Award – Round 2


Thank you to Mr. & Mrs. NW at Navigating Worlds for thinking of me when they received their own Liebster award. This husband and wife duo are hilarious and talk about all things science fiction and fantasy.

The rules are to answer their questions and then pose my own to some lucky bloggers. I’m going to change the rules a bit because I already received this award in August and no one took me up on my nominations then. So instead of nominations I’m going to make you  guys a literary mad lib and everyone can participate.

Okay, now here are their questions:

  1. You need a team of 3 people to help you overthrow an emperor. Which fictional characters would you recruit and why? Celaena Sardothian  (Throne of Glass) because she’s already got plans to overthrow an evil king, and an emperor can’t be much worse. Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones) because he’s clever and witty and good at making strategic plans. Santa Clause because he can get us in and out through the chimney.  Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) because she’s super smart, doesn’t give up, and her magic could come in handy. 
  2. What is the most surprising twist you have come across in a novel? Oh gosh. My mind just went blank. What’s a novel? [30 minutes later…] I think the twist in Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) was quite unexpected for me. It makes so much sense in hindsight but I was not expecting it. I don’t really want to talk about it, though, because I don’t like to spoil things for other people. 
  3. You are hunting for a house to buy with your family. The only places available are Northern Westeros (north of the wall), Mordor, and Arrakis. At which location will you purchase a home? I didn’t know what Arrakis was, but wikipedia says it never rains there. My husband recently mentioned he wanted to move somewhere where it didn’t rain so much as Seattle. 
  4. If you had to attend a fictional school of magic, which one would you select? I only know of two schools of magic. Harry Potter and The Magicians. I didn’t like The Magicians so I would go to Hogwarts. 
  5. You are the likable, but slightly useless, best friend to the main character. What one skill keeps you out of trouble? Hopefully I would have the wonderful skill of being able to cook anything delicious over a fire even with limited ingredients. 
  6. If you had to read every single book by one author, which author would you pick? I’m picking Sarah J. Maas since I think I’m slowly doing it anyways. 
  7. Which is the best country in the world? That’s a tough question because I’ve only ever lived in two of them. Germany and US. I don’t know enough about politics, economics, environment, literacy rates, etc to make an educated guess on which one is the best. I don’t feel attached to any particular country in my heart so I think I’ll just let the winner of the Olympics determine the answer. 
  8. You are on an epic quest to save the world. You can take either a phoenix, a dragon, or an old bearded man. Which do you choose? Old Bearded Man. I would have someone to talk to , and its the frail characters that always manage to surprise you. Whether he offers wisdom, magic, or cranky observations I am sure he will come in handy. 
  9. Wine or beer? Beer is the thing I miss most since getting knocked-up (on purpose), but I don’t remember why I like it. 
  10. You have struck it lucky and book blogging is your full-time pursuit but you need a co-author for your blog. Who do you choose and why? Sadly I don’t have any real life friends who like to read. They all say they like to read but they are liars. In my humble opinion “liking to read” means you read more than half a book a year! You don’t make excuses if you like to read, you actually read! This means I’m going to have to look really hard at resumes, sample writings, and go through a grueling interview process to make sure our personalities are compatible. 

Here is the madlib. Do not read ahead. You need to write down your answers first and then paste them into the paragraph. Remember to share in the comments below.

  1. Fictional Character
  2. Sharp Object
  3. Food
  4. Body Part
  5. Adjective
  6. Person of Authority
  7. Fictional Place
  8. Creatures
  9. Object
  10. Preposition
  11. Geographical location
  12. Mode of Transportation


No reading this yet!

Do you have all your answers written down?

Okay, here we go….

[Fictional Character] was carving the ham at the dinner table using their [sharp object]. Suddenly it slipped out of their hand and landed in a big pile of hot [food]. You turn to them and say, “Gee, I’m really glad that didn’t land in my [body part]. That would be unfortunate because then I’d be [adjective].”

Suddenly there is a knock at a door. It’s a letter from [Person of Authority]. They need your help! [Fictional Place] has been taken over by [creatures]. You need to find the magical [object] of Arathnia in order to vanquish the evil. You know from old stories that this object can only be found [preposition] a [geographical feature].

You and your dinner guest immediately hop into your [mode of transportation] and begin a new adventure together.

2 thoughts on “Liebster Award – Round 2

  1. Fictional Character – Young Werther
    Sharp Object- Needle
    Food – potato salad
    Body Part – elbow
    Adjective – smashing
    Person of Authority- King of Sweden
    Fictional Place- The Misery
    Creatures- owlbears
    Object- teacup
    Preposition- above
    Geographical location- Estonia
    Mode of Transportation- sleigh

    Young Werther was carving the ham at the dinner table using their needle. Suddenly it slipped out of their hand and landed in a big pile of hot potato salad. You turn to them and say, “Gee, I’m really glad that didn’t land in my elbow. That would be unfortunate because then I’d be smashing.”

    Suddenly there is a knock at a door. It’s a letter from King of Sweden. They need your help! The Misery has been taken over by owlbears. You need to find the magical teacup of Arathnia in order to vanquish the evil. You know from old stories that this object can only be found above a Estonia.

    You and your dinner guest immediately hop into your sleigh and begin a new adventure together.

    hahaha, this was fun!
    And your answers were great, too! had a good chuckle at Olympics winner deciding the country to live in! very adventurous! 😀

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